Frequently Asked Questions on Membership
First, you, find a club in and your area and join it. If you can’t find a club that suits you, the NYS Membership Committee will assist you and five other bassin’ buddies in applying to the Federation and B.A.S.S. to establish a Chapter. Secondly, you must be a member of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society. Your club can help you do that. It’s really that easy!
No problem. There are about 50 existing chapters throughout the state. There is probably one located right in your hometown. Contact our Membership Chairperson and he/she will assist you in finding one, or see the list of Club Contacts.
If your club is already affiliated when B.A.S.S. processes your application, then you are automatically a member. So what are you waiting for? Fill it out now and let’s go fishing together!
To join the NYS B.A.S.S. Federation the dues is $20. It is split as follows: $9 to the General Fund, $7 for the Federation Fishlines Newsletter, $2 to the Youth Program, and $2 to Conservation activity.
Definitely not! Riders are a very necessary part of tournaments. All boats must have two participants during the tournament, a boater and a rider. Also, there will be a special award category, for the best non-boater only at the end of the season.
The Federation holds meetings in the Bass Pro Shop’s Meeting Room upstairs from the food court in the Finger Lake’s Mall in Auburn.
1579 Clark Street Road
Auburn NY 13022
All meetings of the Federation’s Executive Committee and the Executive Board are open to active members of the federation. Although only club reps have voting rights representing their clubs, you are welcome to come and attend and participate in the meeting.
Executive Meetings begin at 10:00AM and Board Meetings begin at 1:00PM.
The most important element of any member is the desire to become a better bass angler. Through fellowship, lasting friendships develop that will ultimately fulfill that desire.